Updated on 2/7/2025

Message from Chorbishop sharbel Maroun

Chorbishop sharbel Maroun

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Sending you love and prayers from your spiritual home with the hope you are well.

On February the 9th the Maronite Church will celebrate the 1,615th Feast Day of its Patron Saint Maron. On the top of that our parish of Saint Maron will be celebrating on the same day its 122nd Anniversary. Note that our parish is the oldest in our Eparchy, and the third oldest in the USA. 

Our Father Saint Maron, who lived in the 4th Century, never intended to establish a church. But because of his  holiness so many became his followers. The Maronite Church is the only branch in Catholicism that takes its name from a man rather than from a country or a language. Like Maron, his followers worshiped God according to the rich Syriac Antiochian Tradition, one of the most oldest and beautiful in Christianity. Please note that the Maronite church is the only Catholic branch that does not have a counterpart that is not Catholic. 

Once when the late Archbishop Harry Flynn, of blessed memory, was visiting our parish, he looked straight into  the eyes of one of our children and said to him, "Young man, whatever you do in your life, don’t ever give up your rich Maronite tradition and roots!" These words are powerful words that need to be heard by all, especially by some of us who don’t realize the preciousness and richness of this gift that we have. The Maronite Church needs all of us and calls upon each one of us to be more committed and loyal to this special tradition that is the closest to the tradition that Jesus and Mary and the Apostles lived in. The future generations need our faithfulness now.

Today, the Maronite Church is a universal church embracing people of every language and culture. It is a  vibrant church that is growing and communicating the Gospel of Christ in a very special way. Our hearts and doors are opened to all those who are looking for a warm spiritual home. 

You and I are so blessed to have our own parish designated as one of the Pilgrimage Sites for this Jubilee Year  2025, PILGRIMS OF HOPE. Special graces and blessings are obtained by the pilgrims who will visit our parish and offer prayers and seek forgiveness. May this Special Year bring you closer to God and grant you holiness and sanctity that you may shine with grace and hope. 

Let us continue praying for our beloved United States and the Middle East for peace and stability.

I wish you all a very Happy Saint Maron’s Feast Day and a Blessed and Holy Jubilee Year.

With prayers and best wishes, I remain,
Devotedly yours,
Chorbishop sharbel Maroun

Jubilee Year Letter from Bishop A. Elias Zaidan

Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles

Bishop Zaidan

December 31, 2024

  Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

Greetings and Peace! 

His Holiness, Pope Francis, has opened the Jubilee Year on Christmas Eve at St. Peter’s Basilica. Since then, all of the dioceses around the world have embarked on a spiritual journey calling the faithful to heed the call of the Holy Father to become "Pilgrims of Hope." The Jubilee Year is a time of grace, mercy, and renewal. It is a time to open wide the doors of our hearts to Christ, to draw closer to him in every way, and to let the Holy Spirit transform us into faithful disciples. 

In our Eparchy, to enhance our spiritual journey during this Jubilee year, I am pleased to designate the following Churches as pilgrimage sites: 

- Our Lady of Mt. Lebanon-St. Peter Cathedral in Los Angeles, CA 

- St. Raymond Cathedral in St. Louis, MO

- The Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon in North Jackson, OH 

- St. Maron Church in Detroit, MI, the first Maronite Cathedral in the U.S. 

- St. Maron Church in Minneapolis, MN, the oldest Church in our Eparchy 

- St. George Church in San Antonio, TX, celebrating its 100-year anniversary in 2025 

- St. Sharbel Church in Portland, OR, the first Church dedicated to St. Sharbel in our Eparchy 

To live the Holy Year fully and fruitfully, the faithful are encouraged to embrace the following: 

1- Prayer: Personal and communal, frequent participation in the Holy Eucharist, and Mystery of Reconciliation 

2- Pilgrimage and Indulgences: Visit a pilgrimage site, meet the requirements for plenary indulgence (https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2024/05/13/240513f.html) and prayer for the intentions of the Holy Father. 

3- Acts of Charity and Mercy: Practice other corporal and spiritual works of mercy. 

 In preparation for this Jubilee Year, I encourage each of you to take part in the events and activities scheduled throughout our communities. Let us gather in prayer, reflection, and service as we journey together in faith. 

 I want you to mark your calendars for the following days and follow us on the different social media outlets: 

January 5: Opening of the Jubilee Year from our Cathedral in Los Angeles (Divine Liturgy at 11:00 a.m. PST). 

January 7: Talk about the Jubilee Year from St. Jude Church in West Covina at 7:00 p.m. PST. 

March 28: The Holy Father has asked us to offer "24 Hours for the Lord" in Eucharistic Adoration. 

More events will be announced during the year either at the local or Eparchial levels. Please visit the following sites for more information: 

Vatican Jubilee Year 2025 website: https://www.iubilaeum2025.va/en.html 

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Jubilee Year 2025 website: https://www.usccb.org/committees/jubilee-2025 

 May this coming Jubilee Year be a time of profound personal and communal transformation for all of us. Let us open our hearts to God’s grace and allow it to guide us on our spiritual journey. 

With sincere best wishes and prayers, I remain 

Yours in Christ, 

+A. Elias Zaidan 

Bishop of the Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles

Join us for the Feast of St Maron on February 8th

Buffet style scrumptious Lebanese dinner
Cash Bar and Entertainment

Scholarship Available

Maronite Christian Formation Registration

"What you receive as gift, give as gift." Cardinal Luis Tagle.

Jesus was sent to be given, sent to be given to each of us. 

The Maronite Faith is most likely the most cherished gift ever received. It is also to be shared with those you love and even with strangers.

As parents, it is our duty to give the gift of our faith to our children. Likewise, it is the intent of our MCF staff to impart the gift if faith to each of their students. Our staff has been trained and vetted to do just that. They devote their time most every Sunday after Divine Liturgy to give that gift to your children. Please bring your children regularly and continue sharing that gift with them every day of their lives. Share it in words and actions and together we will assure the Maronite Faith will thrive in the future. 

Blessings from MCF Directors Carla Bedros, Subdeacon Gabe Gubash, and Joannie Moses.

Caritas Lebanon USA

Caritas Lebanon is vital for providing assistance to the needy and less fortunate in Lebanon. Please be generous in donating to this cause.

For more information on Caritas Lebanon, please contact the office or click here.

Our Clubs' Meeting Dates and News

For more info, please contact the office or various club organizers

Saint Ann with Virgin Mary

St. Anne’s Club News

We welcome ladies to join one of the oldest clubs in our church.  Have you considered sharing your time and talents with the community of St. Maron’s through membership in the St. Anne’s Club?

Our club has one key goal – to support the Church. 

Saint Rafka

St. Rafka Club News

All men and women are encouraged to join this worthy club that has created many activities in our parish.
We offer fellowship, worship, service opportunities and fun activities. 

Saint Ann with Virgin Mary

Maronite Young Adults (MYA)

Young adults listen up!

If you are between the ages of 18 and 35, there’s an exciting invitation waiting for you.

Fellowship, faith, and fun - that’s the heart of this group. Whether you are seeking spiritual depth, meaningful connections, or simply a good time, you’re welcome here.

Contact Anthony Nasser or any member of the group. 

Get Your Anniversary Papal Blessing

It has been a tradition in our parish to honor all active couples who are celebrating their 25th or 50th wedding anniversary. If you were married in another country or different church, we will not have record of your date. So, please let Abouna sharbel know at least 4 months to order the decree from Rome. May God bless all married couples.

Help the Needy - Talitha Cumi

God blesses those who come to the aid of the poor and rebukes those who turn away from them: "Give to him who begs from you, do not refuse him who would borrow from you"; "you received without pay, give without pay." It is by what they have done for the poor that Jesus Christ will recognize his chosen ones. When "the poor have the good news preached to them," it is the sign of Christ's presence.

Continue bringing food and items for FOOD SHELVES and gently-used clothing, household supplies (paper goods, cleaning items), new baby items (diapers, clothing, formula, food, blankets, etc.), and new school supplies. Let’s bring throughout winter. Jackets, mittens, scarves, socks, hats and boots also if you have them to share.

Whatever gets unused in your closets can be deeply appreciated and well-used by the needy. For any large items to donate, please contact Joannie Moses.

Thank you for your generosity!

Important Notice

Saint Maron’s church relies on proceeds from the weekly collection and other special events to support operating expenses and outreach in our community and across the world. Please consider making a donation online by clicking on this link (donate.stmaron.com). Your donation may be tax deductible and will be made securely and privately on Paypal. You don’t need to have a Paypal account. If you wish to donate for a particular purpose, you’ll be able to specify that in the comments area of your donation.

Thank you and may the Lord grant you faith and health.
~Chorbishop sharbel Maroun

Honorary Consulate of Lebanon in Minneapolis

The honorary consulate of Lebanon in Minneapolis is ready to assist Lebanese citizens, Americans of Lebanese origin and Palestinians holding Lebanese travel documents with various consular services.

Services are provided by appointment only.  Please send a text to the honorary consul Mr. Fouad Mehawej at 612-669-7435.  Alternatively, you may email Lebanon.Hon.Consulate.MN@gmail.com or visit LebanonHonConsulateMN.org

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